Looking Forward To The Fall

Hi Friends,

It’s that time of summer when beach chairs and pool noodles share aisle space in stores with spiral notebooks and ring binders. The temperature is rising and yet, school is seemingly just around the corner.

Though it can be a struggle to stay present while planning just enough to be ready for the return to school, try to combine summer fun with school projects:

Summer reading? Finish it on a blanket at the park. Math packets? Do a few pages and break for a popsicle reward. Tempers rising with the temperature? Spend an afternoon in a cool movie theater or museum.

Work through the transition, by thinking about the objects: beach toys and flip flops, sunglasses and Frisbees, the pens and pencils and packets of wide-ruled three-hold paper. What do they do for you? How can you make space in your world and the world of your child for fun and work?

THINK: What is patience? How can an object be patient?

TALK: Ask your kids, partner or spouse to describe a favorite object. Ask how this object makes them feel. Does talking about the object have the same effect?

WRITE: Pick an object – a favorite stuffed animal, toy or souvenir – and write a story from the object’s point of view. Imagine how it spends its day. What does it think about? How does it feel about the world?

DO: Find a smooth stone. You might look in your yard, on the playground or at the park. When you are feeling good, hold the rock and imagine these good feelings going into the rock. When you are feeling not so good, hold the rock and remember the good feelings. Imagine they are coming back to you.

BE: Notice the things around you. Describe the window in your bathroom or the handle on your bedroom door. How do these objects help you? Give these these a silent “thank you” for being in your world.

We are in this together

Tanya and Wesley

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